I come from a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This small town is quaint, not unlike Whitmore Lake (if you can call this quaint). We have several Bobber Down type bars. We do not have a porn video store. Our stores are also a bit more proportional in their nutrition vs. bad carb varieties.
Whitmore Lake also really enjoys Fourth of July. I mean, really enjoys Fourth of July. Fourth of July started here about two weeks ago with a barrage of fire crackers and M80s being blasted in neighbor's lawns. The drinking began a couple of days ago. A lot of drinking. Drinking beyond my capabilities for drinking (and if you knew my former self, that was a lot of capability).
I have never experienced such a frightening display of indulgence and trash. The cursing, the screaming, the explosions, the beer cans.
I learned today that I do not want to live here forever. Or any place like it.
No offense to the people here, seems like your thing. Just not mine.