Thursday, August 7, 2008

7/5: My Favorite Word

Someone once told me that a sign of immaturity is cursing.

Someone also told me that it is a sign of a poor vocabulary.

Well, I'd like to think of myself as neither of those things and feel confident that I would admit it if I was.  I have a splendiferous grasp of the the English language.  I have also been told that I am extremely mature for my age (though, it may be immature to use that as an example of my maturity).  

That being said, I love to swear, curse, blaspheme, you name it, I love it.

I learned today that my favorite word is "fuck."

This is one of those posts that the parental content control is for.

I love "fuck!"  It is the most useful word in all of modern language.  It is a verb, noun, adjective and adverb depending on usage.  It also has the unique ability to describe anger, excitement, sadness, happiness and fright.

What other word is so cool?  Okay, so I have words that I also like a great deal: penguin, obsequious, lamppost.  But these I cannot use so much, I mean how often do you get to slip penguin into the conversation.

So I love "fuck."  And I'm going to keep using it.  I am apologizing now for the fact that I will not apologize later for using it.  And I'm gonna use it.

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