Tuesday, July 29, 2008

6/28: Sweet Tarts

This may be silly.  Of course it is, but I just learned that I really don't like sweet tarts.  I had a sneaking suspicion that this was true, but I decided to confirm it with a small purchase.

What are all you crazy sweet tart lovers (sounds so dirty, that it could be good, but it ain't) thinking?!  They are terrible.  They hurt your mouth, make your tongue retreat into your throat and to make matters worse, the give you a quick sour headache (very similar to an ice cream headache but located towards the top of your jawline creating a quit stabbing feeling followed by numbness, seriously, next time you eat something really sour, check it out).

What a terrible invention.  I am angry at the sweet tart people.  Why Willy Wonka Why!

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