Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7/1: Overcommitment Anyone, Anyone?

Okay, so at my work - I'm in food - check out my other blog about food (shameless plug, oh so shameless), but I am also involved in the sustainability efforts for our division.  As such, I need to do my normal job (remember, food, very busy, very stressful, very time consuming) and work on various projects surrounding the saving of our most precious mother, earth or gaia as some prefer. 

I have spread myself way too thin.  Meeting after meeting.  Project after project.  Sustain after sustain.  What to do dear reader, what to do?

I have learned, just for today, that I need to write a task list and accomplish those things that are the most important for my daily functioning.  This includes sleeping, eating, etc.  Then I will work on my work (I mean they pay me, right?).  Then I will work on sustaining some sort of balance.

I learned to say no today.  No, I am too busy for that meeting or this appointment.  It felt okay.

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