Tuesday, May 20, 2008

5/20/08: Showers and Fans

I recently moved into a new home. It's a sweet deal. I don't have to pay rent; just pay for utilities, mow the lawn (my choice) and keep it clean. The only drawback is that the house is for sale, so if someone wants to view it I have to make it shiny and get out for several hours. The other drawback is that it will eventually sell and I will be back in a dirty shoebox.

Today I learned that I have to turn on the bathroom fan before showering. If the fan is not on, the steam from my very hot shower will set off the fire alarm in the hall above the bedroom door. It is an obnoxious beeping that frightens the cats and me as well, sending them running haphazardly through the house and me jumping out of the shower (dripping wet) to find out what all the raucous is about.

You learn somethin' new everyday.

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