Wednesday, May 28, 2008

5/27: Scooter Riding

I drove my very first scooter yesterday. At first, I was really scared because I don't have a lot of balance and am not extremely coordinated. This makes for a difficult combination when you get on a motorized bike. But, to my surprise it was much easier than I expected.

Why did I try out the scooter? I'm seriously considering purchasing one. I mean, they are small, easy to store and get 123 miles to the gallon! That alone is enough to make me think about it. My van currently gets 17 miles to the gallon, is not as easy to store and not small. I am not good with large vehicles. The evidence is clear when you look at all the bumps and bruises on my van.

Thanks Sander for letting me try out your sweet rides!

I also learned that though a helmet is not required, it helps with two things:

1. My head got really cold
2. My eyes began watering like faucets at about 25 mph.

Oh yeah, it's also a lot safer.

I didn't skid out once, didn't drop the bike and even went out onto the open road. Wind flying through my hair, eyes watering, knuckles chapping from the cold. It was fresh. Even if I did top out at a mere 40 mph.

Oh I love you so!

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